Oompa is an AI SAAS Platform that helps people navigate the NDIS process helping managing the activity, planning and submission process.
Navigating throught the NDIS process can be difficult and it can be easy to stumble with it. Missing out on valuable funding for the help that you need. Oompa provides a social environment similar in look and feel to the other popular social platforms like facebook. You will be able to plan and track your progress and activity with carers and others in your network adding in there feedback. So at the end of the planning period you can generate all the information you need to go into your NDIS Submission. Saving both time and getting the result you need.
We did this because we face these same issues for our NDIS claims and we wanted to help others living with change. Dealing with the NDIS process can be difficult and this is why we exist
Care givers and other third parties have free access to the paticipants they are linked to. Or if your not ready yet to claim on NDIS you can use it to plan your NDIS application
Contact Us To StartWith our scheduling module a schedule template can be setup matching your goals. And then used by caregivers and others involved in your life like physio theropists, speech theropists etc
With our scheduling module a schedule template can be setup matching your goals. And then used by caregivers and others involved in your life like physio theropists, speech theropists etc
Using the budget module you can map all your expenses and cross referencing your schedule you will be able to predict your spending. This way you can easily generate the content for your NDIS paperwork
Feeding off information gathered by carer givers the platform can map behavioral changes to see what actions take by theropists are effective and what may need a different approach
These reports can form the basis of evidence used in your NDIS plan renewual
All of the information can be fed into the generation of NDIS Reports needed to get more finding
These reports can save you many hours of work and greatly increase the amount of funding you can get